Blog posts tagged with 'Worthington Ag Parts'

Benefits of a Capello Chopping Corn Head

Capello Corn Heads - Italian Craftsmanship backed by American Grit!

There are many benefits to own a chopping corn head!  Many of you know Worthington Tractor Parts, Inc. is the exclusive distributor for Capello corn heads in the United States.  The Capello family has been manufacturing corn heads since 1965 and specifically chopping corn heads since 1985.  Who better to back their Italian Craftmanship with American Grit than Worthington - the partner who has provided the American farmer with quality affordable replacement parts for over 51 years!

Brian and Darren Hefty of AGPHD have been running the Capello (Folding) Corn Head on their farm operations for four years and love it! Watch the benefits of running a chopping corn head video below!

Contact your Capello dealer by the USA website powered by Worthington Tractor Parts, Inc. by clicking here!

You should also know if you are worried about parts WHEN you own a Capello corn head there is no need to.  The parts are distributed through our sister company to the dealer network and are also available through any Worthington Ag Parts store in the United States!

When every kernal counts whether planting or harvesting can you afford NOT TO OWN a Capello for your 2016 corn harvest?


Mike Winter

President - Worthington Tractor Parts, Inc.

Best Customers In the World!

I've always said Worthington Ag Parts has the most honest customers in the world - FARMERS!  The following letter came with a returned part owed back to us from 1977.  It arrived at the Worthington store last week.  I have removed the customers name for privacy reasons but what a special person!


Forgot to return a part in 1977 and returned it in 2015 - 38 years later!  We have the best customers in the world!

Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you in the future!


Mike Winter

Worthington Tractor Parts, Inc.
